Director: Patrick G. Donahue
Starring: Jean Glaude, Jeff Risk, Cameron Mitchell
More info: IMDB
Tagline: 12 Hands... 12 Feet... 24 Reasons To Die!
Plot: A wealthy business man is a victim of an assault and is shot and wheelchair bound while his wife is gang raped and murdered. He then assembles his motley squad of Vietnam buddies to kung fu their way to revenge and get those muthas back.
My rating: 5.5/10
Will I watch it again? Nope.
#30 on Dusk to Dawn Drive-In Trash-o-Rama Show Vol. 1 (part of the TRAILER TRASH PROJECT)
There's nothing amazing about the story except the ending which is a real shocker (no, seriously, the ending has a fantastic twist). There's a TON of kung fu action from everyone and I mean everyone. Everybody the squad encounters knows kung fu like when they go to the used car lot to get one of the bad guys and all of the employees bust out in kung fu stances and start kicking ass. That kind of shit. The performances are cheesy (it's been said that nearly all of the actors' voices were dubbed without their knowing it) and the dialogue even worse.
BUT the fight coreography is surprisingly good and the overall experience leaves you with some fun moments but it's just dull. The good guys go after someone and a sniper picks one of them off. Down by one member, they go after someone else, getting closer to the main bad guy when a sniper picks another one off. This continues all through the picture until there's one guy left to help his wheelchair-bound buddy who was attacked and lost his wife at the beginning of the film. Then the big surprise ending hits (it was cripple boy all along - he was never paralyzed and he was the sniper, killing his former Nam buddies for some shit years ago) and you're done. Find some YouTube clips and knock back a couple of shots. You'll be better for it than sitting through the whole 85 minutes.
I suppose this would have been a hell of a lot more fun with alcohol and a house full of friends. Wait! What this movie needed was for William Smith to come out of nowhere, kill every last one of them and leave without saying a word. THAT would have rocked the house!
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