Friday, August 20, 2010

Saw VI (2009)

Director: Kevin Greutert

Starring: Tobin Bell

More info: IMDB

Tagline: The Game Comes Full Circle

Plot: Special Agent Strahm is dead, and Detective Hoffman has emerged as the unchallenged successor to Jigsaw's legacy. However, when the FBI draws closer to Hoffman, he is forced to set a game into motion, and Jigsaw's grand scheme is finally understood.

My rating: 4/10

Will I watch it again? jesus, no

I really don't know why I bother with this series any more. The first one was flawed but good and had some great and fresh ideas. In the right hands it could have been fucking amazing. After that the sequels started to at least offer interesting kills. Now it's just ridiculous, like bad TV or direct to video. First of all throughout the flick you get flashbacks to the last movie that made me laugh because my inner voice would say, "previously on Saw..." like an episode of LOST. They got so bad with the flashbacks (because they think the audience is stupid - I'd almost agree with that, though) that there's a chick in the hospital who cut her arm off in a trap not 15 minutes earlier in the film and during her screaming/crying session they flashback to her ordeal...THAT HAPPENED MINUTES EARLIER! Are they that fucking stupid that they think the audience has suddenly developed a severe case of ADD?

Get me off this series, please. The only saving grace, if there is one, is that the 7th film hits theaters in a couple of months which means I have a good 8 months before it's on DVD and I get that wild, crazy hair up my ass that compels me to see it. I wish they'd hurry up and put a bullet in this series. I fell like after foolishly seeing 6 of these things I can't stop until it's over. This series is dead to me.

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