Plot: The cyborg who once tried to kill Sarah Connor must now protect her teenager son, John Connor, from an even more powerful and advanced cyborg.
My Rating: 6/10
Would I watch it again? Does a French whore shave her armpits?
Obviously, you know next to nothing about French whores. No.
I'm going to be brief. I don't need to see this again. I haven't seen it in 15 years; long enough to have forgotten how fucking awful Furlong is as Sarah's kid and long enough to have forgotten how many shitty lines of dialogue Arnold has. "Hasta la vista, baby"? I mean come the fuck ON. Then there's him saying, "No problemo.", "Chill out, dickwad" and "I need a vacation." The first Terminator movie was amazing. He was a badass. And now that character has turned into a cartoon character. Not unlike the difference between Han Solo from EMPIRE and Han Solo in JEDI. It breaks my heart. I feel sad and now I must drink.
NOTE TO FUTURE SELF: What you remember of T2 are only the good bits but you will inevitably forget about the stupid shit. You'll remember this as a decent movie that had potential. What you'll forget is they made a mistake in the advertising by letting people know Arnold is now a good Terminator. I'm letting you know now that I'm spending a few minutes typing this to save you (me) from spending over two hours watching this again and getting pissed.
I just watched Terminator and T2 again recently, and while Terminator is definitely the better movie, I also really liked T2. I like Sarah Connor being a badass, and Robert Patrick was a great Terminator. Edward Furlong did not bother me too much, I thought the character was pretty accurate for what he had been through.
I just watched Terminator and T2 again recently, and while Terminator is definitely the better movie, I also really liked T2. I like Sarah Connor being a badass, and Robert Patrick was a great Terminator. Edward Furlong did not bother me too much, I thought the character was pretty accurate for what he had been through.