Plot: A group of friends whose leisurely Mexican holiday takes a turn for the worse when they, along with a fellow tourist embark on a remote archaeological dig in the jungle, where something evil lives among the ruins.
My Rating: 5/10
Would I watch it again? No.
I try and stay away from a good deal of "pop" horror films like this. There's a reason and I'll spell it out.
1 - They usually have not-so-good, too "typically" pretty and too young actors and actresses.
2 - The premise is the equivalent to a one-joke movie
3 - If the premise is actually a good, sound one, they usually fuck up the execution.
4 - If 3 works then they totally fuck up the ending leaving you to wonder what you could have gotten somewhere else for that 20 bucks you just blew on a movie, corn & coke.
With THE RUINS, the actors are actually pretty decent, the premise has some potential (not much), the location is great, the execution is weaker than I would have liked it with a bit too many "cheap" scares (the inside of the mound was neat - I wanted more of that), and, even though I cool with the final shot, the ending is preposterous. I've heard the ending of the book is better. Fine, but I'm watching the movie, not reading the book. If I wanted to do that I'd have to learn to read first. Baby steps.
This book scared the shit out of me. I have not seen the movie, but I am sure that it would not be as good. Learn to read, and then read the book. Well worth it. Great ending.
This book scared the shit out of me. I have not seen the movie, but I am sure that it would not be as good. Learn to read, and then read the book. Well worth it. Great ending.