Plot: A mysterious door in the basement of the Hercules house leads to the Sixth Dimension by way of a gigantic set of intestine. When Frenchy slips through the door, King Fausto falls in love with her. The jealous Queen Doris takes Frenchy prisoner, and it is up to the Hercules family and friend Squeezit Henderson to rescue her.
My Rating: 8/10
Would I watch it again? Does Herve Villechaize qualify as "take on luggage"?
An IMDB commenter summed it up best as describing FZ as a "Live-action Betty Boop cartoon on acid." Perfect. This is 74 minutes of some of the most unusual, VERY entertaining cinema you will ever see. It's out there, man. I love it. It's un-PC, potentially offensive to all kinds of people, and visually and aurally stimulating to the "nth" degree.
And if that's not enough, Danny "THE MAN" Elfman wrote the terrific songs and scored it using his band, The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo. Remarkable stuff. Remarrrrkaaable. If the trailer doesn't pique your interest then it's hopeless. Get this now!
One of the dumbest movies ever! But I am glad that I watched it.