Plot: Holed up in Bruges, Belgium after a difficult job, two hit men begin to differ on their views of life and death as they become used to local customs.
My Rating: 8/10
Would I watch it again? Does Ralph Fiennes pronounce his name funny?
Here's a nice little sleeper surprise. I saw the poster for it at the theater but never saw a trailer. I'd heard good things about it but it wasn't until I heard that Fiennes played a cockney gangster that the deal was sealed. And now it's out on DVD. IN BRUGES walks a fine line from being a serious gangster drama to a light-hearted game of cat and mouse. It sometimes feels like a lighter version of SEXY BEAST (2000) (and if you haven't seen this one then you're missing one of the best British gangster films of the past 20 years with a performance by Ben Kingsley as one of the meanest mother fuckers in screen history). It does seem a bit too silly a couple of times and Ralph's character telegraphs some foreshadowing way too early but despite all of that it's a good, quaint little gangster story filmed in the beautiful Belgian town of Bruges (pronounced Broozch).
Yes, good movie. Loved Brendan Gleeson. And Colin Firth was pretty good too. And the midget. lol