Plot: The life of a young, Japanese schoolgirl is destroyed when her family is killed by a Ninja-Yakuza family. Her hand cut off, she replaces it with various machines-of-death, and seeks revenge.
My Rating: 7/10
Would I watch it again? Definitely
Man, the Japanese sure do know how to exploit something and make it fun. Someone saw PLANET TERROR (2007) and thought they should make a movie about a chick who has a machine gun (and other accessories) for an arm. Fucking brilliant. Who cares that Rodriguez did it first but on a leg? As long as it's entertaining I'm up for it. This is definitely entertaining. The only thing that keeps it from being better is some of the drama/non-action bits.
Here's more:
This thing is campy and fun as hell. CGI blood spewing out in fountains, limbs being severed, it's beautiful. The violence is most gratuitous. There's a chick with a drill bra!!! A FUCKING DRILL BRA!! By now you've stopped reading this and you're frantically searching Al Gore's internet to find it. Do what you have to. YOU MUST SEE THIS. It will save your failing marriage. It will bring long lost relatives back together after decades of neglect or abuse. This movie will cure cancer. After I watched it my genital rash disappeared. It's back now. I'll have to watch it yet again.
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