Friday, August 9, 2013

The Cisco Kid and the Lady (1939)

Director: Herbert I. Leeds

Starring: Cesar Romero, Marjorie Weaver, Chris-Pin Martin, George Montgomery, Robert Barrat, Virginia Field, Harry Green, Gloria Ann White, John Beach, Ward Bond, J. Anthony Hughes, James Burke, Harry Hayden, James Flavin, Ruth Warren

More info: IMDb

Tagline: O. Henry's famous caballero faces deadly danger... in a senorita's eyes!

Plot: Just as Harbison kills a miner, Cisco and Gordito arrive and the dying miner rips his map into three pieces. Harbison tries to get the other two pieces but Cisco continues to outwit him. When Cisco takes the map from Billie who took it from Harbison, she identifies him and he is jailed. Having a change of heart she has a plan to get him out and he has a plan to trap Harbison.

My rating: 7/10

Will I watch it again? Nah.

Babies playing with guns?  Check.

This was fun.  I'm a huge fan of Cesar Romero and I'll watch anything he is in. He's one smooth, good lookin' dude.  He's got more charm and charisma than most actors in Hollywood then or now (especially now).  Want to see some amazing special effects?  Check this shit out.

It takes a few minutes before Cisco and Gordito realize they left the kid behind and I was instantly reminded of a similar scene in RAISING ARIZONA (1987).  KID is a fun little picture that's largely driven by the awesome Romero.  There's not an awful lot of action but there is a little gun play and saloon business( not to mention a few laughs).  There's even a great dance scene with Romero working this broad with a tango that's as smooth as silk.  After watching the flick and getting the info to write this up I saw that Romero did at least four more pictures after this as The Cisco Kid but unfortunately I can't find a single one to watch.  Grrrrr.

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