Plot: Two lovers stationed at a remote base in the asteroid fields of Saturn are intruded upon by a retentive technocrat from Earth and his charge: a malevolent 8-ft robot.
Goddamn this movie is bad. I remember back in the early 80s, as a pubescent young boy, waiting up late at night to catch this on HBO to see one thing.
There. Now you've seen it. That's all she shows throughout the entire picture. You don't need to watch this movie. It's bad. So so bad.
What I like:
- The ship's interior design, with the exception of the stupid bright colored vent pipes, is excellent.
- I'm cool with Kirk's character being older.
- I dig the plot.
- Keitel's voice was dubbed. It was bizarre at first, knowing full-well what he sounds like as an actor, but I got used to it. It works if only for the fact that Keitel's natural accent would have ruined it. He sounded like an android here and it suited his cold character.
What I didn't like:
- Fawcett is not a good actress. They should've gone with someone whose talent extends beyond their sex organs.
- It's SLOW, SLOW, SLOW. You've only got 3 humans on a ship and a killer hot-to-trot robot. You've got to do something to keep the pace brisk once the shit hits the fan.
- Kirk didn't have to die. OOOPS! SPOILERS!!!
Avoid it. I wanted to like this film. I love a good sci-fi story but I hate it when the fuck it up in the execution. Go watch ALIEN instead and leave this clone to fade away.
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