Plot: A tale of a young impoverished nobleman, who with his uncle returns from a war against the order of the Teutonic Knights in Lithuania. He falls in love with a beautiful woman and pledges an oath to bring her "three trophies" from the Teutonic Knights.
My Rating: 8/10
Would I watch it again? Tak!
WOW! What a great movie! It's easily one of the best I've seen on this subject/time in history. It's rich with grimy, dirty detail. great location shooting, some exciting action sequences and a very good score (by Kazimierz Serocki. You know, the guy who scored Goraca Linia! Duh!!).
One thing I liked most is that it was made in Poland (the original name being KRZYZACY). That fact alone that it's a European film and not a Hollywood one brings a certain freshness and adds more flavor of reality to it. Even at 166 minutes (!!!) I wasn't bored for a moment. I loved it and I will definitely revisit it in the next couple of years I'm sure.
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