Plot: A man struggles with memories of his past, including a wife he cannot remember, in a nightmarish world with no sun and run by beings with telekinetic powers who seek the souls of humans.
My Rating: 9/10
Would I watch it again? Is Lindsay Lohan confused?
I've watched this twice before which was the theatrical release and I loved it then. I can't recall what's different about the new director's cut but it's still an outstanding piece of sci-fi cinema. It's so refreshing to see a film, let alone a sci-fi film, that pulls you from side to side and requires you to think for a change. It's moderately paced and beautiful to look at. The world created by Proyas is old and new at the same time. The film noir quality is rich. It's a somewhat quiet film that needs your attention. If you make it to the end you will be very satisfied. It's an excellent Blu-ray presentation and it comes highly recommended.
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