Plot: In London, a real-estate scam puts millions of pounds up for grabs, attracting some of the city's scrappiest tough guys and its more established underworld types, all of whom are looking to get rich quick. While the city's seasoned criminals vie for the cash, an unexpected player -- a drugged out rock 'n' roller presumed to be dead but very much alive -- has a multi-million dollar prize fall into his hands.
My Rating: 6.5/10
Would I watch it again? I'll give it one more go but not before I see a shit ton of other British Gangster flicks I've yet to see.
I've been a fan of Ritchie's since I saw SNATCH in the theater ten years ago. From then on I was hooked. LOCK STOCK rocked. SNATCH slays me. REVOLVER saw him stretch his artistic legs. I'll never see SWEPT AWAY but will instead watch the Italian 1970s original (I just can't take Madonna as an actress). SHERLOCK HOLMES was lots of fun. And now I've seen ROCKNROLLA.
I dug it but it really felt like Ritchie was inspired by films by guys who were inspired by his movies. It's an elaborate story that felt as if it were deliberate in it intricacies. There's a point, a good half hour before the end, that you see how this is probably going to play out...not something you really want in a 'sophisticated' crime flick. I don't know. I like it enough but there was something missing that he had in his previous films...a certain delightful charm (as in SNATCH and LOCK STOCK).
This could get better on a second viewing but then I feel like I've seen a few of those too many lately. This is probably not a CITIZEN KANE that ripens with age and multiple viewings. His first two films still feel fresh after ten and twelve years. This one feels like he saw LAYER CAKE and said, "I can do that", and did...but didn't.
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