Friday, September 20, 2013

From Hand to Mouth (1919)

Directors: Alfred J. Goulding, Hal Roach

Writers: Harold Lloyd, H. M. Walker

Composer: Robert Israel

Starring: Harold Lloyd, Mildred Davis, 'Snub' Plllard, Peggy Cartwright, Sammy Brooks, William Gillespie, Helen Gilmore, Wallace Howe

More info: IMDb

Plot: As a penniless man worries about how he will manage to eat, he is joined by a young waif and her dog, who are in the same predicament. Meanwhile, across town a dishonest lawyer is working with a gang of criminals, trying to swindle an innocent young heiress out of her inheritance. As the heiress is on her way home from the lawyer's office, she notices the young man and the waif in the midst of their latest problem with the authorities, and she rescues them. Later on, the young man will have an unexpected opportunity to repay her for her kindness.

My rating: 7/10

Will I watch it again? Sure.

Having watched a few of Harold Lloyd's shorts in the past week or so I'm beginning to see a pattern.  Play sweet and nice, deliver a few 'cute' laughs and then finish the final reel with a wild chase loaded with funny.  That's how this one plays out.  When The Boy (Lloyd) can't get a cop to listen to him, one by one he throws thing, trips, hits, taunts them into following him to the bad guys' hideout where The Waif (Cartwright) is being held against her will.  By the time he gets there he must have every cop in town chasing his ass and it's friggin' hilarious.

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