Monday, August 21, 2017

The Outer Space Connection (1975)

Director: Fred Warshofsky

Writers: Alan Landsburg, Fred Warshofsky

Composer: Roger Wagner

Starring: Rod Serling, Roy E. Cameron, M.C. Chang, Patrick Flanagan, Art Ford, Tim Gill, E.S.E. Hafez, Duncan A. Lunan, Thelma Moss, Leslie Orgel, Ernst von Glasersfeld

More info: IMDb

Tagline: We Are Not Alone in the Universe

Plot: This documentary examines the speculation that aliens have visited Earth in ancient times, and built structures to which they will return at a future date.

My rating: 6.5/10

Will I watch it again?  Probably not but I would just to hear Rod Serling for 94 straight minutes.

Aliens did it.  There.  Now you know what Rod Serling spent an hour and a half telling us the answer to so many mysteries we supposedly hadn't explained by 1975.  In the first minute Serling states, "The facts that will be presented are true."  Now, that statement is misleading.  The lawyers for the picture would tell you that since a fact in and of itself is a true statement, then the filmmakers have covered their ass.  However, that's not how most people are going to interpret that statement.  To a lot of folks it sounds like their implying that what you are about to see and hear is true.  There are times when Serling says things are theories or "some believe", that kind of thing.  It's dishonest at the very least.  It's also pretty darn entertaining.  Rod Serling's narration makes this a must-watch all on its own.  There's even a PLANET OF THE APES (1968) pun late in the film (Serling wrote the screenplay for that picture).  I love documentaries from the 70s about Bigfoot, aliens and so on.  This flick is like a greatest hits of weird goofy shit like that which was all the rage back then.  I recognized writer/producer Alan Landsburg's name right off the bat.  He was the creator and producer of the hit series IN SEARCH OF...(1977-1982).  I watched that show religiously in its original TV run and I couldn't get enough of it.  I was also 8 years old, the perfect age for such strangeness.  As I grew up I discovered I had a brain of my own and me and my old beliefs amicably parted ways.  Even though I find a lot of what's discussed in this picture a load of bunk, I still get a kick out of watching these 70s curiosities.  It's probably all nostalgia but I dig it nonetheless.  Even if I hated it, I still got to listen to Rod Serlings masterful voice for an hour and a half and it soothed the nerd in me. 

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