Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Species (1995)

Director: Roger Donaldson

Starring: The shittiest performances from the following actors: Ben Kingsley, Michael Madsen, Alfred Molina, Forest Whitaker, Marg Helgenberger and the nakedness of Natasha Henstridge.

More Info: IMDB

Tagline: For three million years, the human race has been at the top of the evolutionary ladder. Nothing lasts forever

Plot Outline: A group of four specialists are given the task of tracking down Sil. "She" is part human, part alien, beautiful, strong, very dangerous and desperate to mate with a human.

My Rating: 3/10 - 1 for that's as low as I can go and 1 each for Henstridge's boobs

Would I watch it again? OH, HELL NO!

For sale: One "wished I'd never watched it" Blu-ray copy of SPECIES. - CHEAP!

This is awful. Just awful. Never in my life have I seen so many good (and in some cases "can be good") actors do so poorly. Ben Kingsley is the worst offender of the bunch. His "American" accent is an atrocity. I would've never thought that he could be so bad. The dialogue is lame, a lot of the actors' line readings are the worst possible choices, the action is lame, the character's choices are lame.

The ONLY reason why this movie has a reputation as "one to see" is because there's a naked space chick in it. Henstridge is somewhat attractive (not so much to me - I don't go for that model-look shit) but it's not enough. You want to see the ORIGINAL NAKED SPACE CHICK MOVIE? Go rent LIFEFORCE (1985) and come back and try to tell me that Mathilda May isn't ten times the smokin' hot naked space chick that Henstridge tries to be. Now THAT'S a naked space chick movie. I couldn't help but think the ENTIRE running time of this movie that I would rather be watching/showing my friends LIFEFORCE instead of watching this piece of crap.

This movie is pure rubbish and not worth your time. The only reason to see SPECIES is to witness quality actors (in some cases) at their worst. If you need science fiction space chick masturbatory material, then check out LIFEFORCE. I'm not saying it's a great film but it's a sure-fire better than this one and instead of this...

you get this...

Let the games begin!

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