Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Robot Monster (1953)

Director:  Phil Tucker

Writer:  Wyott Ordung

Composer:  Elmer Bernstein

Starring:  George Nader, Claudia Barrett, Selena Royle, John Mylong, Gregory Moffett, Pamela Paulson, George Barrows, John Brown

More info:  IMDb

Tagline:  Adventures Into The Future in New TRU-3 Dimension

Plot:  The monstrous Ro-Man attempts to annihilate the last family alive on Earth, but finds himself falling for their beautiful daughter.

My rating: 6/10

Will I watch it again?  Maybe.

This isn't nearly as bad as the internet suggests.  If you look at who this was intended for (little kids on a Saturday lineup of cartoons, maybe a chapter from a couple of serials and double feature (this film being on the bottom) of sci-fi and action or comedy), then this doesn't look so bad.  Sure, it's goofy as hell.  There's no doubt the alien villain's (Ro-Man) costume is bargain basement, "what do we have lying around to make a spacesuit?", and silly.  The bubble-blowing alien radio is just the best in dumb fun.  It's an easy target to goof on this flick which adds to the fun.  Halfway through this 62 picture, a romance blooms and it's off to make out in a field before heading back to home base to ask the girl's dad for her hand in marriage.  THE FUCK?  It's courageous that they are able to risk their lives when there's a robot monster on the loose wanting to destroy the last surviving humans on Earth.  And then they get married and the occasion is a happy one despite the murderous alien outside their walls.  Whatever.  It's a silly movie made for mindless entertainment.  As a soundtrack nerd, one of the things that tickles me the most is that this is one of the first film scores from Elmer Bernstein.

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