Saturday, April 18, 2020

Chatterbox! (1977)

Director:  Tom DeSimone

Writers:  Mark Bruce Rosin, Norman Yonemoto, Tom DeSimone

Composer:  Fred Karger

Starring:  Candice Rialson, Larry Gelman, Jane Kean, Perry Bullington, Arlene Martel, Michael Taylor, Cynthia Hoppenfeld, Robert Lipton, Rip Taylor, Irwin Corey

More info:  IMDb

Tagline:  She talks with her what?

Plot:  A young woman who works in a beauty parlor discovers that her vagina can talk, which causes her no end of trouble.

My rating: 5/10

Will I watch it again?  No.

I've probably seen the trailer at least 50 times.  It looked like a one joke movie and it largely is.  I laughed a few times but the problem is the one joke (and bad puns) is stretched out for 73 minutes.  So, yeah, it drags and probably because the movie had to get to at least 70 minutes.  It's not necessarily padded a lot but there are some uneccessary bits.  Buy, hey!  We get to see the always funny Rip Taylor as a gay hairdresser.  Plus "Professor" Irwin Corey shows up for some very funny jokes.  Rialson's Penelope is delightful and it seems a shame that she got saddled with a blah project but she doesn't hold back.  It doesn't hurt that she's a knockout and is frequently nude.

She did it for art.  AmIright, huh, huh?  The story definitely could've used a few more drafts.  I have no idea what you could do to it to improve it.  I'm bankrupt with ideas at the moment. 

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