Plot: The Fantastic Four learn that they aren't the only super-powered beings in the universe when they square off against the powerful Silver Surfer and the planet-eating Galactus.
My Rating: 3 (for Chiklis, the SPFX and the fact that I missed the couch when I vomited) Would I watch it again? Oh, HELL NO.
SPOILERS... . . . . . THIS MOVIE IS SHIT! . . . . End of Spoilers.
I am so not spending much time on this one. The lame story, the horrible acting, paper thin characters, great's all here.
Michael Chiklis kicks ass and and should have kicked the asses of the filmmakers and the stars to only leave himself working the camera and acting in front of it doing whatever the hell he wants because ANYTHING would have been better than this.
Oh this was so bad. Fifth-grade boys will like it but that's it. Bottom line: if you've hit puberty then you're too old to enjoy this piece of shit. When you root for the Earth to be destroyed and it doesn't happen fast enough, you know it's time to move on.
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