Plot: Space Marines are sent to investigate strange events at a research facility on a distant planet but find themselves at the mercy of genetically enhanced killing machines.
My Rating: 6 Would I watch it again? Once was enough.
I liked it better when it was called ALIENS (1986) which is essentially what this is. The plot is set-up very quickly as the Space Marines leap into action to find out what's been going down on Mars where something's happened to the scientists. Next thing you know all hell is breaking loose and our boys and girls in uniform (ALL stereotypes and half of them are complete fuck-ups) are killin' and dyin'. That's really all you need. It's a movie based on a First Person Shooter video game of the same name that, as far as I know, has no plot except to kill to stay alive.
I'm a HUGE fan of the Doom series although I'm not too familiar with Doom III, which this is based on. So, if I get a movie based on this I just want to see a shit-load of killing monsters in dimly-lit corridors and stuff jumping out and scaring the bejesus out me. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Well, it did but not to the sort of satisfaction I would have liked. There was very little in the way of monsters that you'd find in the game. This one is one of the VERY few exceptions:
Towards the tail end of the movie there's a sequence that comes out of nowhere and it is BADASS. Suddenly our hero is seen from the first person perspective which is just like the game, down to the movements and action/reactions. It's only about 2-3 minutes but it's badass.
It's not a very good movie with all of the stereotypical shit that you'd expect but then it's not a bad movie either. There's some cool shit goin' down and that FPS shot in the end is just great. Now that I've seen I don't think I'll ever have to revisit it and I'm OK with that.
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