Plot: Mako and her girl friends enter a dispute with rival street gangsters The Eagles, a band of racist macho pigs led by the evil Baron, who hates half-breeds (descendants of American and Japanese couples). When one of the girls start dating a half-breed, they start a terror campaign to take all of them out of town. Mako and her gang fight back, helping their new friend Kazuma find his long lost sister. Kazuma gets hurt...a lot.
My Rating: 6/10 Would I watch it again? Nope.
I love the Pinky Violence genre of films. They're so different. There's the PV variety like this one that features strong female characters kicking all kinds of ass which permeated the late 60s and early 70s. Then there's the harsher PV films that dominated the genre in the mid-70s through the 80s which dealt almost exclusively with violent rape and there's usually plenty of it. I've seen a small handful of the latter that were quite good, violent and unique.
But SCR:SH (the third in a series of five SCR films) is in the former category and is somewhat fun. We're treated to some truly outrageous and fun only-in-a-Japanese-film songs. For the most part they sound weird and silly but damn it if they aren't catchy as hell. You've read the plot and that's pretty much it. There's lots of little crazy action set pieces that are fun. Kazuma, who is looking for his sister he hasn't seen since they were separated many years ago - WHO just happens to be in the gang of girls led by Mako (2nd from the right in the above pic - badass), the girl HE'S dating, but Kazuma (and his sister) doesn't find out until the last few minutes of the film !?! - gets his ass kicked by the male gang, The Eagles, several times AND HE JUST TAKES IT !?! Mako is angry with him because he's such a pussy but she continues to dig him because he plays guitar and sings to her.
Eventually Mako decides enough is enough and she, along with Kazuma, have a showdown with The Eagles. Together they kill them but take some serious bullets during the shootout. Kazuma, with all of his might, stands up with the sniper rifle in hand and stumbles to the edge of the platform overlooking the field below where his sister (just discovering he's her bro) runs toward him.
So what does he do with his dying breaths upon discovering that's his sister running toward him in tears? Sure, he fills her full of lead! WTF? She drops lifeless followed by Kaz who's just proven without a doubt how fucking worthless as a human he turned out to be. End of story. Cue music.
There's a few bar/lounge scenes that feature these beauties:
They belt out a couple of the catchy tunes we get the privilege of hearing. Damn, I love the Japanese. Hum-able tunes and ass-kicking broads...awesome! I'd give it a higher score but this film suffers from the same problem many of these types of films have and that's repetition. The film's pacing is fine it's just that there's so much information that keeps getting re-hashed you just wish they'd go with a 70 minute run time to cut to the chase. Overall, though, they're still fun and unique rides that really separate themselves from the rest of the world's cinema and for that I'm grateful to companies like Home Vision (who put this one out) and Panik House (who've put out a TON of great looking Pinky Violence films) for bringing these films to us.
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